Thursday, July 17, 2014

Rajnigandha... a flower

 A beautiful hot summer day it was when Lily opened her eyes in a desire for the new beginning. She was waiting for this day from metaphorically whole of her life when Edward would kneel to the ground and will present her the ring. They both, internally and physically betrothed to each other were waiting for the right day to present their love to the family. Little did Lily know that Edward would lose his manhood at the time of confronting his family their five years of love. By that time, Lily was 24 and was on the verge of marrying a suitable suitor her family chose for her.

 This devastation of Edward’s buffoonery led to Lily’s marriage to that suitable suitor and to utter wretchedness her marriage bed was decorated with Edward’s favorite Rajnigandha flower that he used to get her on some very special occasions. Four months elapsed since the marriage took place and around that time other than Lily’s unwanted honeymoon, Edward was forced to marry someone he did not love because his family could not see his everlasting pain. Little they did know that destiny had some other mystifying plans for them.

Lily and her husband decided to go on four days trip to Manali with her husband’s friends whom Lily did not know and did not care to know. It was a beautiful cold winter day when they arrived at Manali a day after the planned schedule. Lily was tired because of the twelve-hour journey and decided to take a nap and when she woke up it was already the dinnertime. She could not find her husband on his side of the bed and after calling him, she gets to know that he was with friends and their wives at dining hall. Her hunger was at its peak and without wasting any further time, she went straight to satiate her hunger. On her first step at dining hall, she saw her husband waving towards her and many other couples sitting around the table but among them one who had his back on the door had some resemblance. She could see the dark brown hair, strongly built guy sitting just opposite to her husband and did not want to guess anything superficial but just then Edward turned his head to look at the door.

The string of pain in heart was same on both the sides.

Lily was not able to take another step forward because of the numbness that now felt perpetual. She with dewy eyes turned around making the Rajnigandha from her side table take a leap of faith and then she never returned that night. Edward on the other side did not have the courage to confront his wife and friend sitting next to him. However, after seeing her, he could not swallow even the last bite and without a second thought, he ran towards making Lily fall back into love with him.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Run or you will become a nun

Whether you are a loser or a loose winner you participate whole heartedly in a rat race just to save your precious guts . People around , whom you call your friends are your main contenders in real world who can even scoop you down if they do not succeed . Its right to be sad when your friend fails in life and you tend to help him out in each possible way but it's even right to hate him (for a while though ) when he tops and you end up in trash .. Isn't it ? 
Life is a roller coaster without any seat-belt which offers you with every taste of paradise in hell . Like in a metro station where people simply become good actors and acts like what-is-a-queue ? And tends to push you forward with their flow or to the contrary throws you back but at the end what matters is your final act , whether you want to be a part of that same rat race where you go with the flow or become the leader by standing apart and earn followers . 
As something cannot simply be bought but you need to earn it !
Well well , leader now-a-days have their own prescribed misery because of our increasing population there in the crowd are present chameleons with their hypocrisy turned on , who are the ultimate losers as they are blind to their race lane and clings to yours result being more dramatic blood-shed !


  • Conversation started Saturday
  • What exactly do you mean by Big Fat Indian Wedding ?? It's not only a celebrity performance where people showers their emotions replica of money on these personalities in lieu of the main event going on the main stage , it's not just the huge variety of food served with eminent savor or delight in lieu of the deprived outside the tent begging for just a morsel . It's not about bride's dress on which lacs are spent , well who cares to take even a glance at her , just the amount is enough to keep you guessing what exactly is she wearing , is it something with gold embedded in it or it is the cullinan diamond ? Well yes ! You must have a look at bride next time may be you find a diamond rolling out ! These lavish weddings is like a huge wave which drowns the senses of the people it encounters . These weddings embraces people who invoke all the worldly blessings for the pair but inwardly are full of hunger to grasp each and every morsel of delight they can with their meticulous eyes pin pointing each and every minute detail of the sometimes-not-so-fat-wedding. These weddings with their oomph luxury at times proves to be a burden to the head of the family but they are still performed just to show their so called high-status . The grooms side portrays themselves in such a sweet display giving the bride's family the equivalent pedestal , but God know's why they still have that scent of superiority that even a dog can smell , and yes some of them inwardly feel shameful but why would they stop this ? After all they are the ultimate benefactors . !